Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Peony Study Print by Katie's Pencil Box
So this is life, huh? Well I suppose I shouldn't complain- I have nothing to complain about really. As cynical as I am 99% of the time- I am doing pretty a-ok. I have a decent job, I am engaged to a pretty great fella and I am happy (which is all I really have ever wanted in life).

Sure, I'm not a millionaire- or actually no where even close to being one, I am not working in the field I went to school for (which is Art History for you inquiring minds), and I'm not traveling the world on the regular- but there is plenty of time for all of that (maybe not the millionaire part- but a girl can hope). I'd love to make a list of all the things I have and don't have in life if you want to see it... KIDDING!

That's not what this blog is going to be for. It is going to be a place I can discuss creativity, life and a place I can express myself and you can come to have a down right good time.

Bear with me for the first few weeks- it may be a rocky start, but I have some fun things in mind.

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