Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Britt Bass- He & I Print
Have you ever seen something- a photograph, a painting, or something in nature even- that immediately inspired you?

Well that happened to me recently. I have been following the career of Britt Bass Turner for awhile now, and I think she is one of the more inspiring artist (to me anyways). I saw one of her pieces, and decided I should make one of my very own.

One of the things I love most about her work is how she layers her pieces. I also love her use of color, her lack of formality, and her use of shape and line- every time I see one of her pieces, I get inspired to make something of my own.

So- as I am sure you can guess, I did just that. This is the START of my attempt at a painting (inspired by Mrs. Bass Turner- keep in mind the layers thing). Don't judge too quickly (or harshly, please), it is only day one.

The Beginning

What inspires you?

Do you see things and immediately want to make something of your own?

Has anything caught your eye lately?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Peony Study Print by Katie's Pencil Box
So this is life, huh? Well I suppose I shouldn't complain- I have nothing to complain about really. As cynical as I am 99% of the time- I am doing pretty a-ok. I have a decent job, I am engaged to a pretty great fella and I am happy (which is all I really have ever wanted in life).

Sure, I'm not a millionaire- or actually no where even close to being one, I am not working in the field I went to school for (which is Art History for you inquiring minds), and I'm not traveling the world on the regular- but there is plenty of time for all of that (maybe not the millionaire part- but a girl can hope). I'd love to make a list of all the things I have and don't have in life if you want to see it... KIDDING!

That's not what this blog is going to be for. It is going to be a place I can discuss creativity, life and a place I can express myself and you can come to have a down right good time.

Bear with me for the first few weeks- it may be a rocky start, but I have some fun things in mind.
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