Monday, October 27, 2014


Ok everyone, we're in the home stretch here, and Halloween is less than a week away! If you love it as much as we do (we still dress up every year, and go to a friend's party where custom costumes are praised and encouraged) then you are trying to come up with your perfect costume. Maybe you've already figured it out, maybe you have a stand by, or maybe you've spent months crafting a perfect replica costume of some Game of Thrones character (I wish that reference could be better, but I'm like the only person who doesn't watch that show). But some people like to do something super topical, from the news or celebrity gossip or just 2014 general knowledge. Here are some ideas I came across:

1. There are a couple great tribute costumes to be had this year, both Robin Williams and Joan Rivers in particular.
2. The ice bucket challenge was pretty popular, and there are a surprising number of Google variations (look it up, it's crazy). My personal favorite being the bizarre couples version below. But probably people will all tell you the stories of their challenge, the best one they saw, or how glad they are that it's over. So good luck.


3. Frozen! Because Anna, Elsa and Olaf aren't just for kids! Or are they...? You might get lost in a sea of mini Annas and Elsas, but then again, you might be the only one at the bar. 

4. Pumpkin Spice anything. We all love it, and this year there seems to be an extra explosion of pumpkin spice flavored foods from Pringles to M&Ms (haven't had either, but I'm guessing they're both terrible). Don't be too 'basic' on this one. 

5. Any comic book movie that came out this year. Take your pick - Spiderman, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men. 

6. TMNT - Turtles are back again for everyone! While the movie left something to be desired, don't miss out on this opportunity for everyone to instantly realize you're April by simply wearing a yellow jacket. 

7. Any character from Orange is the New Black. Finally women can wear a prison jumpsuit to a party and not look lazy. Bonus points for shoes made from maxi pads. 

8. The Heartbleed virus. Remember that? No one else will either. But that guarantees you'll be the only one at the party, and when you explain it to everyone, most will at least say "oh, that's kind of funny."

9. Shia Labeouf with the bag on his head. I know I just mentioned him a couple weeks ago, thus disproving this costume, which was him wearing a paper bag that says "I am not a famous person anymore" but you could do it anyway.

10. Amy from Gone Girl. SUPER relevant, to a point where some might consider you to be a spoiler. But hey, if you are covered in blood, you don't have to say whose it is, do you?
What are your favorite costumes this year? Let us know!

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