Monday, May 12, 2014


Searching for a new job isn't always everyone's favorite activity. If you're searching for a job it could be because you don't have one, don't like the one you have, are moving to a new place and a transfer wasn't possible, or maybe the job you currently have doesn't fit your lifestyle (new moms, etc). Whatever the reason, you're on the hunt for something new, and like so many people these days, you're stuck.

I feel your pain. I've done a lot of researching (Careerealism is a great resource) to try and find some answers, or just some ways to motivate and inspire my job search. Here are some cool things that I found and tried. (As I'm still looking I can't vouch for their effectiveness yet, but they are fun. And I am hopeful!)

Get socializing:

It can be awkward and intimidating to go to networking and young professionals events. Believe me, I've tried it, and spent a lot of time talking to the people I went with, and not much time getting to know anyone else. I think part of the problem in these scenarios is that everyone comes from different professions and has little else in common, and that can make for difficult conversation beyond "so, what do you do, and what's that like?"

Instead, try going to a MeetUp or other meeting of likeminded people. I recently attended an event I found through some book club friends (another great way to meet people). At the bar we all introduced ourselves, and this gave me an opportunity to share what line of work I'm currently in, but also add that I'm hoping to move into a different field. Although it didn't lead to an immediate connection or referral, in time someone may hear of a position or opportunity and think of me.

Go to that job fair: 

You've seen the email about an upcoming job fair, and you think, no thanks. I don't want to work for any of those companies. Well, you never know if that's a complete list of attendees. And if there are big companies in attendance, they may have a department you want to work in, but didn't even know they had. I went to a job fair recently and stopped at several booths that I knew had departments I was looking for, but I also stopped at a few others, just to check. Some said no, but one said yes and gave me a card so I could go online later and check it out. I never would've known they had something in my field if I'd never asked.

Talk to people who do the job you want:

In my current job I come across a lot of people who work in organizations I'd like to work for, or are doing work that I would like to be doing. (I do have the great fortune of having a supervisor who is in support of my job search, so it's not inappropriate for me to take advantage of encounters as they happen.) When I meet someone I just mention my interest in their work, ask how they got started, and how they got connected with their company. People are usually forthcoming and willing to give a little friendly advice if they have the time.

Turn that resume into a graphic:

Who doesn't love a good infographic?? I certainly do, and I found this great site that allows you to easily convert your resume into your very own infographic. You can even customize the colors and the layout. The best part is, the site is designed to connect to LinkedIn, so you can add it to your existing profile. Not everyone will be drawn to it, but you never know who's eye you'll catch!

Here is a sample from the website

Hopefully these tips will help you jump start that job search! Happy hunting!

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