Friday, May 30, 2014


My current living situation is such that I'm unable to have a permanent garden planted. I'm also terrible with plants, so any more than a couple little herbs is about all I can handle. And we'll see just how long those last. That being said, I love having fresh basil, oregano and cilantro on hand, so I'm going to give it a go. Hopefully that super cute watering can and their strategic placement by the front door will help remind me.

Pre-planted: Thai Basil, Winter Thyme, Genovese Basil and Rosemary

I'm pretty low on funds these days, so when I went in search of the perfect container for my plants, I was looking for the cheapest and easiest container I could find. Scouring Google and Pinterest did give me quite a few great ideas (see below). But ultimately I ended up using a planter from a friend that could hold a few of the herbs that I acquired.

Besides the pot, and the plants which I acquired from a local plant sale, I purchased a bag of soil ($3.98! who knew dirt was so cheap?!) at the hardware store around the corner.

Finished result. They look a little wilty but I promise they've perked up already.

It took me less than 20 minutes to complete the process, and that included my attempts to make a stop motion video of the planting process which, sadly, is better left unseen. (Really I couldn't get it to upload properly.) So instead I'm sharing my Garden Inspiration Pinterest board below. Check out all the cool DIY herb gardens and plant labels that you could be making RIGHT NOW!

Follow You Me Oui Blog's board Garden Inspiration!! on Pinterest.

What did you plant this spring? Any unique garden containers? Let us know!

Have a great weekend!

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