Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Thankful Balloon
Studio DIY- Thankful Balloon
There are so many days that it seems like I just race through- not taking the time to enjoy the things I have in my life. I feel like I don't ever slow down enough to breath, let alone recognize the people around me for helping me out. I need to recognize the gifts that I have been blessed with and be thankful for all that i have.

I think often in a world where we are constantly looking to the future and always wanting to be apart of the next trend, it is tough for us to slow down and look at what we have right in front of us. I know this is something I really struggle with: I work 40+ hours a week (plus an extra one hour commute both ways), I contribute to this blog, I try to balance a work and personal/social life- fitting family, friends and relationship in the extra few hours I have each day, and still trying to keep some tome for myself- to read, craft or do catch up on my garbage TV. I rarely stop and think about all the good things I have in my life, let alone give credit where credit is due.

Here are (a few) things I would like the say "Thank You" for:

- My fiancĂ©- he is my support system and rock (I know, I know-    what a sap!)
- My health- I had a "close call" a few years back, I am happy to be healthy and doing much better.
- My family
- My friends- always there when I need them, no matter what.
- My job- it gives me the money so I can do the crafts I love. :)
- My common sense and ingenuity- it's helped me get to where I am today and forces me to keep going
- Creativity and an open mind
- My car- it may be materialistic sounding, but we got in an accident a few weeks ago. Because of this "incident"- we were able to upgrade our vehicle to a more fuel efficient model that is also more reliable. We now have so many more possibilities at our footsteps (we have already been talking about a road trip, or two!)
- Amazon prime- again, this maybe is materialistic, but saving money and getting things quicker is the best!
And finally...
- Being me- I don't know if I would have it any other way.

Even simple things like thanking my other half for paying for a nice dinner out of his fun "piggy bank" money, or thanking my friends for picking me up when we were going places for the few weeks while we were in-between cars... I think it really is the little things that help make a difference in people's days- a simple "Thank You".

That may have been a bit longer of a "rant" than was intended- but the intentions are good! Promise!

On that note- some inspiring words from Ms. Oprah Winfrey:
                  Rule #434: "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you                                         concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough".
Words of Wisdom
Rifle Paper Co Card
Do you have the problem of rushing around too much, and stopping to smell the roses?

What are you thankful for?

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