Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Lately, we have both been addicted to watching "Kitchen Nightmares" with Chef Gordon Ramsey. I am not sure if you have had the pleasure of watching this show or not, but the basic premise is as follows: Gordon Ramsey goes to various restaurants across the country that are failing because of  various reasons- bad food, bad management or a plethora of other reasons- and he helps whip them into shape. He will completely re-do the menu, redecorate the restaurant, and he gives psychological advice to the managers and staff to help them function more like proper human beings. Sounds great, right!

Anyways, since watching this show- I have become the Midwest's worst (or best- depending on who you ask) food critic.

After listening to Gordon Ramsey describe the injustice that we (the American Public) are having to deal with when we go out to eat, and hearing him describe the many things he notices right away- within milliseconds of putting some piece of "food"in his mouth- has made me more aware (and a real treat) when I go out to eat.

Some of these things he tends to notice are boring and/or bland foods, frozen items, no seasoning, too much seasoning, bad texture- and that is just the food. He also looks at the decor of the restaurant and the staff and management and how they handle dealing with customers and each other.

Now, I am sure most of you have either seen or heard about this episode at this point (there was a HUGE social media buzz about it after it first came out) where he came up against his worst challenge yet!

Amy (the fun looking blonde seen below with her big crazy eyes), is the owner and head chef in one of my favorite episodes to date. If you have yet to have an opportunity to watch this show- please, please watch this episode first! It is great- especially if you are anything like me, and love to talk at the people inside of the TV like they can hear you.

Anyways, that was just the random rantings of an obsessed person, who may or may not have a little crush on Gordon (why yes, he and I are on a first name basis)...

What shows are you obsessed with lately?

Do you ever go out to eat and critique the food too much?

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