Friday, June 6, 2014


These are some of my favorite things: gold, confetti and peonies. There is something about the combination of all three that I just cannot get over- seriously, they are awesome right? This image is taken from Kate Spade's book Things We Love... Pretty much anything and everything she makes is amazing, it's full of color, and I have to have it in my life immediately. This book is the epitome of that. She has combined images of all sorts of her favorites- the things that inspire her to make the beautiful things we all love! I quickly added it to my Amazon wish list, and am hoping that my Mr. gets the hint, and gets it for me (us?) as (yet another) coffee table book for people to ogle over!

Anywho, is anyone else as glad its Friday as I am? It seems like it has been the LONGEST week ever!

It is not supposed to be particularly nice here this weekend, so I am planning on getting a few things around the house done... Boring, but necessary things. I started painting my entryway closet about 2 weeks ago, and it has yet to be completed. My Mr. (very nicely) gave me a timeframe and told me I must complete it this weekend. Yea, yea yea, I'll get right on that sweetie!

Other than that, nada! I am actually pretty excited to tell the truth. During the Summer months, we are always so busy with family, friends, my Mr.'s races (he is one of those marathon guys), and just trying to get all the sunshine in we can- that our house doesn't get too much attention and we don't usually have a lot of time to slow down to enjoy the nice weather. I look forward to weekends like this (other than the painting).

Do you all have anything exciting happening this weekend? Anything fun planned for this Summer?

Have a great weekend everyone!!!


this pretty cool lady's artwork
a simply stunning house tour
this awesome book bag
a flower bumper- the newest thing I've added to my "MUST do" list
this fun DIY idea
I am obsessed with this necklace - yes, I would like one
I wish I was more like these two

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