Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hey Y'all! Welcome to Tuesday.

Hopefully you are making it through after the long weekend- or if you are like me, you are drinking your Venti Quad Soy Vanilla Latte (or whatever your coffeehouse poison is)!

Since we both really love reading, we've decided to start a little "cyber book club" here on the blog a few months back, and we are pretty excited to keep it going! We announce the book we are going to be reading at the beginning of each month, and then at the end of the month we write a joint review of what we thought of the book, and (hopefully) you join in too!

So please! read along with us, and share comments and/or thoughts with us- we'd love for this to be an open forum. AND if you have a book you'd like to suggest, we're open to ideas!

NOW, on to the important stuff- Septembers book... Drum roll please... The Magicians by Lev Grossman. I bought a physical copy, and Carly will be reading the ebook version. Aside from the brief description available on Amazon and the smidge bit I have heard in the blog-o-shere, I really don't know much at all about this book. I would have to say sometimes, I like not knowing anything about a book because I go into it with a completely open mind.

We're still pretty excited about the 'book club' feature. What do you think? Have you been reading along with us? Have you read this book? Heard anything about it? Have suggestions for future books? Let us know!

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