Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Reading: Well, I was just finishing up The Magicians, for Book Club. Now I am now getting a leg up on October's Book Club book. It seems like I barely have enough time to read our one book each month- with work and puppy and life and what not- that Book Club books are my only real reading for the month... That being said, I am trying to squish in a quick read- and read The Giver before the movie comes out (which I am not sure if I will even see).

Watching: The Walking Dead Season 4 just got added to Netflix and I have been binge watching it all weekend! Also-Happy Valley. Another Netflix show- this one centers around a lady cop and her life in England- SOOO good!

Listening to: Oldies! Well- not exactly... I recently updated the music that I have on my phone, so it I finally don't have to listen to the same 3 playlists over and over again while I am at work. I dug up a few old gems- and I am LOVING IT!

Thinking about: Traveling... Some places far and some near! We are talking of going to Florida maybe in February or March- and then our far travels would be saving up for the Honeymoon!

Loving: My Pup! If that was not obvious by my Instagram video that I posted last week- I don't know how to make it more obvious! This pup loves Ice Cream SOOO much! Whenever I go to get myself a treat, he thinks it is for him now...

Looking forward to: Some time to rest! We have had a lot going on recently- friend's weddings, my Mr. is marathon training (so he is ALWAYS running around- literally), bachelorette parties, etc.- so I am excited for a weekend to stay at home and relax! I barely remember what that feels like!

Making me happy: The little things. Last weekend was SO nice here, and knowing what we have coming for us in the next few months (I cringe thinking about all of that snow!)- I really begin to cherish every warm day we can get this time of year. Also, my Mr. and I started a little re-do project together making over some old bookshelves that we got from a friend. It's always nice being able to spend some time together!

What have you been loving lately?

Are you looking forward for anything in particular?

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