Thursday, September 18, 2014


I hate to say it, but it seems that Fall has found us again. Not that I do not enjoy Fall... But I know what follows it- and in Minnesota- that is not something that I look forward to...

This is the time of year that I like to lie to myself most, and have usually end up going through the steps of grief- starting with denial, which then turns in deep cold shivery depression- which then turns in to the winter blues- and so on so fourth...

Anyways................ this year I have decided that rather than going in to a 8 - 9 month slump, I am going to be optimistic... THAT'S RIGHT! Optimistic! In order to do that, I am going to be doing a fall series with sweets, treats and other yummy things to help boost me out of my moody slump.

To start, I thought it only fitting to do a Fall Flavor Round-Up- and what else do you think of when you think fall but Pumpkin! Heck Yeah the PSL is HERE!!!

1:  Pumpkin Chai Smoothie

What do you like to make/eat for the fall?

Are you like me and can't get enough of Pumpkin?

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