Friday, July 4, 2014


Happy Fourth of July everyone! Hopefully your day is filled with family, friends, and fun!

So, I was having a pretty difficult time figuring out exactly what I wanted to post for today (if anything at all). I didn't want to discuss my love for my country, or how cute (or kind if weird looking) I think bald eagles are- so I decided I would do a red white and blue themed post. Classic!

Now, this decision could really go pretty far down a rabbit hole of themes, but what better way to celebrate your independence than with some tasty food!

So here we are folks- my version of a bombpop- my red, white and blue popsicles! I remember eating bombpops all the time during the summer as a kid- and one of the floats in our local town parade gave them out (until food was banned- what gives guys, that was the best part!). So I decided what better way to celebrate our independence, than with a tasty summer treat!


Red layer:
2 cups raspberries
1/4 cup coconut water- I use this one
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

White layer:
1 cup low-fat vanilla Greek yogurt

Blue layer:
2 cups blueberries
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice


1: Blend the fruit for the blue layer and for the red layer with coconut water and lemon juice in a blender individually. You can strain out the seeds in the red layer if you prefer- I left about half of them in, give them some texture.

2: In a separate bowl- mix yogurt and 1/4 cup of coconut water  together.


1: Fill your popsicle molds about 1/3 of the way full with the red layer. Put them in the freezer for 45 minutes (or until firm to touch).

2: Repeat step 1 for the white layer next, and then the blue later.
3: Once frozen solid (it took them about 6 hours to fully freeze- I left mine in overnight, just for good measure), remove from the popsicle molds, and ENJOY!

NOW:  for some fun Fourth of July pictures.

Do you have any fun plans for the Fourth?

What kinds of food do you like to eat during the Summer?

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