Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Chia seed pudding is such a great and healthy breakfast and snack option, with so many possibilities. Chia seeds are rich in vitamins, and are said to help with weight loss (a total win!). I usually like mine for breakfast, and I like to add fruits to balance out my meal a little. I have also heard of people adding nuts, peanut butter or neutella, and even eggs to their Chia seed pudding to make it something a little more their own.

Oh- I bet you are thinking "Chia Seeds? Like as in the Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia Pet?". YUP! They are the very same. Don't worry- you wont grow a hairy puppy or a Homer Simpson in your belly after you eat it.

Anyways, this is my favorite way to make it...


- 1/2 cup chia seeds (I use these all the time)
- 1 cup milk (I use vanilla soy or almond milk- blasted lactose intolerance!- but you can use any milk)
- fruit- I use raspberries mostly, but I have made it with mango and other berries before.
- honey, or some other form of sweetener (you can use agave nectar or sugar)


1: Pour your chia seeds in a dish or tupperware container. I have made this so many times, that I usually just eyeball everything- this recipe is definitely not an exact science.
2: Mix in your sweetener. I like to use honey (an alternative to sugar), but you can also use stevia or just plain white sugar. This measurement is definitely up to you. I don't like it to be too sweet, so I use about 1/2 - 1 Tbls. however My Mr. likes it to be a bit sweeter, so I will usually just add sugar to his.
3: Next, mix in your milk, and stir it in.
4: Now it gets to the good stuff- the fruit. Like I said before, I like raspberries best, so I make most of mine with them. Drop in as many as you think you would like- I like to use quite a few of them, but that part is up to you and your taste.
5: Once you have dropped all of the raspberries, smash them up a little- that way they meld in with the other ingredients, and are a little easier to eat.
6: Make sure you mix all of the ingredients together!
7: Let your pudding sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour, to ensure that all of the Chia Seeds have absorbed the milk (I usually make mine the night before I want to eat it, and let it sit overnight).
what it looks like when the seeds have absorbed the milk.
NOTE: When you take it out, if it seems a bit dry (or like there is too many seeds to how much milk you used) add a little more milk.

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Have you used Chia seeds before? If so, what do you use them in?

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