Saturday, May 31, 2014


Random images that I found on my camera today when I was uploading the images for this weeks posts. Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!

Friday, May 30, 2014


My current living situation is such that I'm unable to have a permanent garden planted. I'm also terrible with plants, so any more than a couple little herbs is about all I can handle. And we'll see just how long those last. That being said, I love having fresh basil, oregano and cilantro on hand, so I'm going to give it a go. Hopefully that super cute watering can and their strategic placement by the front door will help remind me.

Pre-planted: Thai Basil, Winter Thyme, Genovese Basil and Rosemary

I'm pretty low on funds these days, so when I went in search of the perfect container for my plants, I was looking for the cheapest and easiest container I could find. Scouring Google and Pinterest did give me quite a few great ideas (see below). But ultimately I ended up using a planter from a friend that could hold a few of the herbs that I acquired.

Besides the pot, and the plants which I acquired from a local plant sale, I purchased a bag of soil ($3.98! who knew dirt was so cheap?!) at the hardware store around the corner.

Finished result. They look a little wilty but I promise they've perked up already.

It took me less than 20 minutes to complete the process, and that included my attempts to make a stop motion video of the planting process which, sadly, is better left unseen. (Really I couldn't get it to upload properly.) So instead I'm sharing my Garden Inspiration Pinterest board below. Check out all the cool DIY herb gardens and plant labels that you could be making RIGHT NOW!

Follow You Me Oui Blog's board Garden Inspiration!! on Pinterest.

What did you plant this spring? Any unique garden containers? Let us know!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


There is a fabulous artist out there creating works of wonder you guys, and her name is Lulie Wallace. Her abstract flowers are absolutely swoon worthy! There are just so many amazing things about her work I hardly know where to start: the colors, the realistic abstract-ness (<--- is that a word?), the was she composes her pieces and really just the whole image all together, I can't get them out of my head! I am dying to get one in my possession!

She also does commissions, where she will paint an image of any picture you send in. She does a lot of her commissions for brides- painting their wedding bouquet!!! I cannot think of a better way to preserve the memory (and prettiness) of your flowers, than having their portrait painted!

So now this has just jumped to the tippity-top of my wedding to-do list...

If you need more Lulie- check out her website, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram- @luliewallace

Thanks Lulie for all your hard work and inspiration!

What do you think of her crazy amazing colorful masterpieces?

Would you commission flowers to be painted?

And, as always, please let us know if you have found any new artists that are worth taking a look at! We always get giddy when we see someone new!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Vanilla Coconut Muffins (with chocolate chips)

I found this recipe when looking for an easy on the go breakfast that didn't have too many calories, but also wasn't boring or tasteless (see: bran muffins). And I can definitely say these are most appropriately eaten for breakfast. Although they taste good, the flavor isn't overly sweet or exciting, but just a nice way to get your day started. Speaking of, let's get this recipe going. 

Before I get too far, you'll notice that I added chocolate chips, which I did not do the first time around. I was not a fan, but my roommate said he liked the chocolate chips, so my advice would be to try it both ways and decide for yourself. 

Most of the ingredients
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk (light or regular)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 6 tablespoons coconut oil, melted*
  • 1 1/4 cups white whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
  • Cinnamon and sugar for dusting
  • Chocolate chips (these are optional)
*Disclaimer: Coconut oil does not taste like coconut. It's just another oil. So you can substitute with cooking oil (vegetable, etc) instead. The only reason I'm using coconut oil is that I didn't know this the first time I made this recipe, so I still have leftover. If you're into that oil pulling fad, you may have some on hand. If not, substitutions are perfectly acceptable.

Wet ingredients combined
The wet ingredients poured into the "well" in the dry ingredients

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and lightly grease a 12-cup muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray (or you can line them with paper liners).
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla and coconut oil.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients.
  4. Using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, stir the batter together until combined. Don't over mix, the ingredients combine easily so stop stirring when the dry ingredients are fully incorporated. 
  5. Add chocolate chips if desired by folding them in with a couple of stirs.
  6. Divide the batter evenly among the prepared muffin tin. 
  7. Bake for 16-20 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out dry or with a few moist crumbs. Don't over bake.
  8. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon and sugar.

Stirring in the chocolate chips

Right before baking


What do you think? Any changes you would make? Let us know in the comments!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Lately, we have both been addicted to watching "Kitchen Nightmares" with Chef Gordon Ramsey. I am not sure if you have had the pleasure of watching this show or not, but the basic premise is as follows: Gordon Ramsey goes to various restaurants across the country that are failing because of  various reasons- bad food, bad management or a plethora of other reasons- and he helps whip them into shape. He will completely re-do the menu, redecorate the restaurant, and he gives psychological advice to the managers and staff to help them function more like proper human beings. Sounds great, right!

Anyways, since watching this show- I have become the Midwest's worst (or best- depending on who you ask) food critic.

After listening to Gordon Ramsey describe the injustice that we (the American Public) are having to deal with when we go out to eat, and hearing him describe the many things he notices right away- within milliseconds of putting some piece of "food"in his mouth- has made me more aware (and a real treat) when I go out to eat.

Some of these things he tends to notice are boring and/or bland foods, frozen items, no seasoning, too much seasoning, bad texture- and that is just the food. He also looks at the decor of the restaurant and the staff and management and how they handle dealing with customers and each other.

Now, I am sure most of you have either seen or heard about this episode at this point (there was a HUGE social media buzz about it after it first came out) where he came up against his worst challenge yet!

Amy (the fun looking blonde seen below with her big crazy eyes), is the owner and head chef in one of my favorite episodes to date. If you have yet to have an opportunity to watch this show- please, please watch this episode first! It is great- especially if you are anything like me, and love to talk at the people inside of the TV like they can hear you.

Anyways, that was just the random rantings of an obsessed person, who may or may not have a little crush on Gordon (why yes, he and I are on a first name basis)...

What shows are you obsessed with lately?

Do you ever go out to eat and critique the food too much?

Monday, May 26, 2014


It's the first holiday post for us, and we thought we'd do it up right, with a trip to our state's capital (St. Paul) to look at the memorials on the lawn of the capitol building. Admittedly, I've never done much on Memorial Day before to honor the reason for the holiday. I've mostly enjoyed it as a day off from school or work, and gone to a friend's house for a barbeque. But this was a delightful change of pace. 

We both have family or extended family who has been in the military and each year should probably make more of an effort to honor their sacrifices and contributions. 

Here is a selection of photos I took on my stroll. Enjoy!

WWII Memorial, with a view of the capitol building.

Wreaths set out in front of the Peace Officer memorial
Peace Officer memorial (Although you can't tell it's at least 8ft tall.)

Close up of the side of the Korean War Memorial Arch
Korean War Memorial Soldier
View of the soldier and the arch looking into the Korean War Memorial
Plaque honoring Minnesotans in the Civil War. We had the first volunteers- who knew?
WWI Plaque
Plaque specifically dedicated to women in service. Nice to see. 

This plaque honors Mexican American Minnesotans who served.
Honoring the Native Americans who served

This admittedly somewhat goofy statue is to honor all those who went to war and survived

Firefighter's Memorial
"We were young. We have died. Remember us."

Have a great Memorial Day everyone!

Friday, May 23, 2014


I am sure you have heard about Etsy- in all of its glory and greatness. Well one of the things that we are most inspired by here at hi and hello is art. It truly drives our creativity and makes us want to make (<--- if that makes sense).

Every so often, we will be doing this thing we like to call an "Etsy Round-Up" where we will feature either shops, artists or even just pieces we have found we enjoy. That being said, here goes Etsy Round-Up Numero Uno!

All of the images below are pulled form various artists that we have a great appreciation for. These are people we have been going back and looking in their shops on and off again for awhile now, and we think that they are people worth mentioning.

Enjoy the eye candy, and have a great weekend!
Art and People- Cactus Illustration
StuidoLegohead- Pug In Pucci
Jane Thill Studio- June Everheart's Splendid Summer Home
Berkley Illustration- Elephant Print
WaterInMyPaint- Pink Bubblegum, Retro Glasses
Clare Elsaesser- Married to the Sea
Lucy Darling Print- Floral Love Design
WaterInMyPaint- Coffee Squirrel, Pork Pie Hat
Girl and Parrot- Nature Lover
Amy Borrell- Strong Man
Do you ever go on Etsy?

Have you found any notable shops or artists? If so, please share! We are always up for a good Etsy rabbit hole trip!

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