Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Man, I am SOOO punny sometimes, I crack myself up! Anyways- you may remember seeing in this post a few weeks back- I cannot seem to get over DIY projects that are dipped AND dyed...

Since coming across all of these DIY's I have been über  inspired to try it out. So... as I am sure you have guessed, here it goes! (I think that is the shortest intro I have ever written- you can tell I must be excited!)

- cotton napkins (we used these)
- dye
- warm water
- bucket
- stirring device

1: Mix your dye according to the packages instructions. We used these dyes, so the instructions told us that we  should dissolve the dye in the water first, and then added that "dye mixture" to approximately 3 gallons of water- so we did just that.
NOTE: You will want to use a bucket you do not mind if it gets stained or dirty. We used junky old buckets we normally use for hauling yard scraps- we rinsed them out well of course...!

2: Stir it up really well- make sure all of the "dye mixture" is mixed in to the water.

3: Once you have mixed up your colors really well, and let the waters settle down a little bit (you do not want to dye in the midst of large waves!)- you dye away!

How you decide to dye them is up to you, and depending on the look you want, you will dye them differently- Carly was going for more of an ombre look with a hard edge- so she slowly pulled hers out of the dye, while I wanted a more organic look, so I winged each one! 
Carly went with a deep red color
while I went with a dark navy/indigo color 

4: You will want to find a way to lay them out while you are still dying- that way you can still have fun with your other napkins! Carly used a plastic garbage bag to lay hers out, while I just laid mine against the side of the bucket- that way the extra dye could drip off... User preference I suppose.

OF COURSE my puppy wanted to get in on the fun too! It's a family fun activity!
what a proper little gentleman... eee!

5: Once you have finished all of your napkins (or whatever you decided to dye), rinse off any excess dye. Because we were doing our project outside, we just used the garden hose, but you could use the sink too. You will want to rinse them until the water runs clear.

I noticed that after I had brought mine in, that there was still a little excess color left in them- so I rinsed them in the sink. BE WARNED- it can stain- so be prepared to have bleach or some soap handy to wash your sink right away.

6: After you are all rinsed and clean- let dry. I laid mine on some plastic garbage bags, just in case I missed some dye. YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL!

7: The final step in this process is to wash these in the washer (I did not take any pictures of this, sorry, felt like it was pretty self explanatory). Wash on warm, by themselves, again, in case of any excess dye.
 photo picasioncom_9f1c1f1282b71fe8f43d9d0b3ab608f9.gif
What crafts are you up to lately?

Has anything inspired you to start creating?

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