Monday, August 11, 2014


I pushed back what I had scheduled to write about today because this past weekend, my Mr. and I took a day trip to our state zoo, and I couldn't wait to share our trip! I would like to say we were overly excited by a lot of these animals, but I think it was mostly me... As sad as I was to see that they had gotten rid of a lot of their better exhibits, I was still crazy excited by it all! Naturally I documented EVERYTHING.

Also, I haven't been to a zoo in a LONG time, so I guess I am not sure if this is the case or not, but I think we may have gotten there at the tail end (ha! puns) of nap time- but basically we just went to see a lot of sleeping animals. Still totally worth it! 
a little girl put this flower in the bison statues ear. friggen adorable.
sleepy bear- look at those paws!
these little guys were wrestling each other. it was the best!
camel rides- naturally.
the babies.
there was a green pond for them to lay in on hot days.
and have girl talk
and oh boy, did they have some good girl talk...
who knew there was such a strong camel family dynamic...
literally- the BIGGEST bull I have EVER seen! this is a 6ft. tall fence.
his nose was AS BIG as just my hand. sorry- I was chicken, and didn't want to get that close.
this guy was in love with me- wouldn't stop staring.
comparing bellies, or leg length or something...
so loud! he kept yelling- I was all "hey buddy, calm down buddy- were at the zoo" 
he obviously didn't care what I had to say- he kept doing it.
his friend was not amused. business as usual.
my favorite! I'm pretty sure I got 150 pictures of these guys alone.
the only reason there weren't more, was because my Mr. reminded me that there was more zoo to see.
I think he was showing off for me... what a flirt
this little jerk scared the ba-jesus out of me, flew right at my head while I was looking at his nested buddies.
baby anything is adorable...
baby kitties, the best!

So that was my weekend. How was yours?

What's your favorite thing to see at the zoo?

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