Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Recently- I have inherited some items for my home... Some of them are already in great shape, and need no TLC, but others are a little rough around the edges... literally.

Since I am a DIY type of person, I rolled up my sleeves, made a trip (or four) to Home Depot, and got to work.

ITEM NUMBER ONE: the "baker's rack"

This has been with my family for awhile now, and has been used and loved quite a lot- and it is evident in how it looked when I got it. I guess I never realized how much rust and bird poop there was on it because it was always filled to the brim with plants and yard figurines. When I inherited this piece, I inherited the bird poop too. I decided that that was not really the look I was going for, so it needed a good sprucing up. Here is what I did:

1: I gave it a good washing. I turned the hose up on high, and made sure that all of the rust and bird droppings were removed completely.

2: Once it dried completely, I gave it a good coat or two of spray paint. I used Rustoleum's Universal spray paint in Hammered Black- and really liked the results I got. It is a paint and primer in one, so less work involved- win!
spray paintings is messy- who knew!?!

3: After the paint dried overnight, I went out and bought a few pots to start it out. Now, all I need are the plants, and it will be complete and to figure out how to hide that gross green slab below it! I think that will be a project of its own!

I am pretty happy with the results- and am even happier that I was able to refurbish this piece to make it work for my home!

What are you making these days?

Have you refurbished anything lately?

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